(†)Ralph Herman Yelton (221)
Born: 12/1/1921 Falmouth, Pendleton County, Kentucky
Died: 4/15/2004 Panama City, Cay County, Florida
Parents: Arthur Herman Yelton and Millie Ellen Nee. Carter
Spouse: Dorothy “Dot” Mae Yelton Nee. Dishno (
In 1930, young Ralph was living in an owned home with 8 brothers and sisters in Falmouth, Pendleton County, K on Mullins Ave.. Father Arthur is a carpenter, as is older brother William while brother Edgar is a laborer and sister Mildred is a servant to a family. Older sister Hattie is a seamstress at the Levy’s Pants Factory. The family home is worth $1000.
Everyone on the census is white and everyone can read/write, other than a neighbor who is a farmer, aged 63, and named Squire McDowell. There is a disproportionate number of truck drivers on this census compared to others i’ve seen. Mostly all of the heads of house work as truck drivers or laborers on the “State Highway”. There is one other man who can not read of write on this census named Frank C Asbury, aged 89. Both of his parents, his wife, and himself are all from Kentucky and he was a veteran of the Civil War. He has no occupation listed but a home value of $2500. Frank is not the only Civil War soldier in this census. 85 year old Ben B Hitch also is a veteran of the Civil War and has no occupation but a home vale of $5000. He, and parents, are also from Kentucky.