Dorothy “Dot” Mae Yelton Nee. Dishno (222)
Born: 11/16/1923 Waupaca, Waupaca County, Wisconsin
Died: 9/1/2002 Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois
Parents: Henry Joe Dishno and Clara H. Nee. Nollenberg
Spouse: Ralph Herman Yelton (
In 1930, Dorothy is 6 years old and living in Little Wolf, Waupaca County, WI. She is the middle sister of 3, ages 7 to 2 in a family owned home. Her dad, Henry, is a dairy farmer and is a veteran of the World War, and is the only veteran on the census. He is not the only farmer on the census though, as every head of household works in the farm industry. In fact, nine of the fifteen heads of house are dairy farmers. Dorothy is the grand daughter of European immigrants on her maternal side (Germany), and that is represented all along the census and many of Dot’s neighbors spoke German. She also has neighbors from Switzerland and Ireland. It should be noted that while their addresses are not listed as “rural”, it is likely that these neighbors had some distance between them as a majority lived on family owned farms.